Friday 14 February 2014

Gastric Band Hypnotherapy - How Does it Help you Lose Weight?

Gastric Band Hypnotherapy is a relatively new form of weight loss which has taken the press by storm over the last few years. In fact it has almost become a myth or a legend because of the incredible stories which are written about it in the press. The press seem to suggest that almost a form of magic has taken place and that has caused a person to shed stones in weight but the true story is much more complex than the sensationalist stories which appear in the press. In fact when an advanced practitioner in hypnosis works with a client for weight loss using this method there are a myriad of issues which need to be taken into account.

You see Gastric Band Hypnotherapy is far from a miracle and the first step on any weight loss journey is that the person involved in the procedure must be willing to put in some effort. This is easier than it sounds. You see the Hypno-band technique requires a person to fill our food diaries, listen to audio and even do some form of exercise a set number of times per week. No hypnotist whether they are Paul McKenna or Derren Brown can force someone to do something that they don't want to do. So the first thing that our clinic does before you even turn up for a session is to assess your willingness to follow the program. We don't want to waste your time or money so this is a sensible precaution which takes place during the first phone call.

Apart from a certain degree of willingness to follow the program you must feel relaxed in the company of your therapist. Hypnosis is all about relaxation and in order to get the depth of relaxation required to find the root cause of a problem a client must feel comfortable with their therapist. This rapport or trust between client and therapist is key to finding out what may be the emotional root cause of your overeating. If this rapport is present it becomes relatively easy for an advanced hypnotherapist to journey into your subconscious and ask the relevant questions to find out why you have been overeating. Any qualified hypnotherapist is capable of delivering subconscious suggestions but not every therapist can find out the real root of a problem. This takes advanced skills and capabilities.

As well as tackling your subconscious mind we also work on your conscious mind and during sessions we also give our clients conscious or mindful eating techniques to follow. Again these can be ignored by the client but if that happens they will find that the treatment will not work as well. When mindful eating is combined with suggestion hypnosis and advanced hypnosis a powerful weight loss combination is created.

Gastric Band Hypnotherapy works so well when our clients are actively involved with their therapist every step of the way. This weight loss alliance is the thing which creates such great results. If you want to find out more about Gastric Band Hypnotherapy or indeed any other form of weight loss hypnotherapy we are always happy to talk to you. Simply give us a call on 020 8351 2744 and we will be happy to spend time with you answering your questions.

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